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NACSW Listservs, Facebook Groups and other Social Media



To help connect NACSW members who have similar interests, experience, or expertise on topics of particular importance to Christians in social work, NACSW currently supports the following services:


1. Listservs (Electronic Email Lists)


2. Facebook Groups


3. Other Social Media



1. Listservs (Electronic Email Lists)


To help connect NACSW members "across the miles," NACSW supports a growing list of specialty listservs and Facebook groups.


Open to all NACSW members as a free benefit of membership, NACSW's listservs allow subscribers to send and receive group email messages via the Internet to/from other listserv subscribers wherever they may happen to live or work - listservs have no geographical boundaries. Listservs are a wonderful way of facilitating on-line discussions and making connections with your colleagues throughout North America, and beyond! <Listservs are intended to be an open forum for members to express their perspectives on a wide range of issues and interests. Views expressed by individual members' entries do not necessarily reflect those of NACSW.>


Current listservs supported by NACSW include:

a). General Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-l (general Christian social work topics), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-l



b). International Issues Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-intl (international Christian social work topics), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-intl



c). Social Work Educators Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-educators (Christian social work educators' topics), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-educators



d). Religion and Ethics Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-ethics (topics related to "Religion and Social Work Ethics"), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-ethics



e). Addictions Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-addictions (topics related to issues in the field of addictions and substance abuse), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-addictions



f). California Members Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-Calif (as a means of connecting NACSW members living or working in California), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-calif



g). Administrative Members Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-Admin (topics in social work administration, management, and supervision informed by a Christian worldview), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-admin


h) Decision Case Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-case (facilitated discussions on decision cases involving religion, spirituality, and faith in social work practice), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-case


i). Student Member Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-student (discussion about issues and concerns of particular interest to student members of NACSW, including the opportunity to share opinions, resources, and encouragement with other student members of NACSW), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-students


j). Spirituality and Aging Issues Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-aging (facilitated discussions on issues involving spirituality and aging), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-aging or contact Christine Kessen at Kessen@Marywood.edu


k). Social Work Research Listserv: To find out more about and/or to subscribe to nacsw-research (facilitated discussions on issues involving research issues and collaborations of particular interest to Christians in social), visit: http://mail.cedarville.edu/mailman/listinfo/nacsw-research 

2. Facebook Groups: Open to all NACSW members and friends, NACSW's Facebook groups allow participants to post and receive messages, photos, videos, and information of interest to Christians in social work.

a). NACSW General Facebook Group


b). NACSW Fan Page


c). NACSW-California Group


d). NACSW NYC Group

3. Other Social Media:

a). Twitter account


b). LinkedIn group or Company Page


c). YouTube account


d). Flickr account


e). Blog


North American Association of Christians in Social Work
PO Box 121
Botsford CT 06404-0121

Site contents (c) 2008 NACSW. All rights reserved.




North American Association of Christians in Social Work
PO Box 121
Botsford CT 06404-0121
Email: info@nacsw.org; Phone: 888.426.4712
NACSW's Mission
To equip its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice
Privacy Policy

Site contents (c) 2009 NACSW. All rights reserved.