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Professional Social Work Resources

Resources listed may contain information which does not necessarily reflect the views of NACSW. In addition, being posted on this resource list in no way implies endorsement or sponsorship by NACSW unless otherwise noted. Lastly, inclusion on the list of NACSW organizational members only indicates current membership in NACSW. It is not meant to imply blanket endorsement by NACSW of the quality of services, organizational policies, or ability to integrate Christian faith and practice of these organizations or programs.

Asset-Based Community Development Institute – Produces resources and tools for community builders

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) – Develops and maintains the social work licensing examination used across the US, and is a central resource for information on the legal regulation of social work

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Promotes the understanding of mental health and addiction, and provides applicable resources and tools

David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality – The fellowship seeks to promote meaningful, scholarly study of the relation of religiousness and spirituality to physical, mental, and social health. The fellowship provides an opportunity for a period of six to twelve months of concentrated use of the collections of the Library of Congress, through full-time residency in the Library s John W. Kluge Center.

Give an Hour – Give an Hour’s mission is to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise within our society. Currently, GAH is dedicated to meeting the mental health needs of the troops and families affected by the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. GAH provides counseling to individuals, couples and families, and children and adolescents, treating for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and loss and grieving.

Government of Canada Internet Site – Provides a wealth of information about the government of Canada and its programs and services

HandsNet – Empowers organizations to integrate online communications strategies to strengthen their programs and policies for people in need

History of Social Workers – A brief overview of the history of social workers in primarily graphics format.

Mental Health Grace Alliance -A 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing recovery programs, support groups, training, and collaborative partnerships. Follow us on Facebook … Pinterest … Tumblr … Instagram (@re_think) … and Twitter @mhgracealliance

Mental Health Net – Serves as an online mental health directory for mental health professionals

National Association of Social Workers – The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) – is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with more than 150,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.

National Federation of the Blind – Educates the public education about blindness, and provides applicable information and referral services

New Social Worker – Provides links to hundreds of Internet sites of interest to social workers

Parental Alienation Support: Resources & References Empirical Style – Parental alienation is a mental condition in which a child, usually one whose parents are engaged in a high-conflict divorce, allies himself or herself strongly with one parent (the preferred parent) and rejects a relationship with the other parent (the alienated parent) without legitimate justification. The purpose of this site is for support via resources. My goal is to contribute information by providing links and links to peer reviewed journals.

Search Institute – Advances the well-being of adolescents and children by generating knowledge and promoting its application

Social Work Licensure Exam Review – Provides information and resources to help viewers prepare for the AASSWB licensure exam

Statistical Resources on the Web – Provides a listing of resources reporting current research findings on a very broad range of topics relevant to the social work profession

The Grace Alliance – We get people to dream again! 1 in 4 of adults around you are suffering with a mental health difficulty. It affects their education, their jobs, and community … ending up with broken relationships. The mental health system is lacking and many fall through the cracks … all this is creating a mental health crisis. Our SOLUTION … RECOVERY … and it works! We’ve expanded our work to 5 countries and impacted 1000’s. We fill in the cracks … reinforcing professional care and improving personal life. We work with anyone dealing with mental health difficulties, mental illness or mental disorders … we’re here! The movement is building momentum to end the mental health crisis

The Public Health Agency of Canada – Reports on up-to-date health related information provided by Canadian and international health organizations

US Census Bureau – Provides updated information about the people and economy of the United States

Welfare Information Network – Features information, policy analysis, and technical assistance on the topic of welfare reform

Welfare to Work Partnership – Provides information, technical assistance and support for businesses to help move people on public assistance to jobs in the private sector
