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Social Work Educational Institutions and Resources

Resources listed may contain information which does not necessarily reflect the views of NACSW. In addition, being posted on this resource list in no way implies endorsement or sponsorship by NACSW unless otherwise noted. Lastly, inclusion on the list of NACSW organizational members only indicates current membership in NACSW. It is not meant to imply blanket endorsement by NACSW of the quality of services, organizational policies, or ability to integrate Christian faith and practice of these organizations or programs.

Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD) – Features information promoting the continuing development and excellence of baccalaureate social work education and practice

Council for Christian Colleges & Universities – Provides a listing of Christian Colleges which are members of the CCU.

Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) – Provides a listing of all accredited social work programs, information about social work education policy and program standards, etc.

Online Christian Colleges – Christian colleges give students the opportunity to earn a higher education in an environment focused on faith. Many Christian colleges have moved academics online, providing a wide range of degree programs and courses to both undergraduate and graduate students. Some have even extended religious support and interaction to the web, allowing their online students to discuss their faith with fellow classmates, even if they’re not on a campus. This link provides a list of Christian colleges that offer full online programs, and a number of student support services that help shape cost-effective, quality learning at the college level.

2017 List of Accredited Online Christian Colleges – The 341 Christian colleges on this list offer a wide variety of online degree programs with options at the undergraduate and graduate levels in subjects like engineering, business, and counseling. All regionally and nationally accredited Christian colleges that offer at least one fully-online program are listed here. These schools span a wide range of religious affiliations, including Catholic, Baptist, and interdenominational. We also offer a list of top online Christian colleges, based on affordability and academic rigor, to help students seeking a faith-based online degree choose the strongest option for them.

PSI E-College – Offers 24-hours a day online learning for continuing education and professional development.
