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Websites Providing Information on the Integration of Faith and Practice

Resources listed may contain information which does not necessarily reflect the views of NACSW. In addition, being posted on this resource list in no way implies endorsement or sponsorship by NACSW unless otherwise noted. Lastly, inclusion on the list of NACSW organizational members only indicates current membership in NACSW. It is not meant to imply blanket endorsement by NACSW of the quality of services, organizational policies, or ability to integrate Christian faith and practice of these organizations or programs.

American Religion Data Archive – Collects quantitative data sets for the study of American religion

CSWE-Sponsored Religion and Spirituality Clearinghouse – The Religion and Spirituality Clearinghouse (RSC), developed by the CSWE-sponsored Religion and Spirituality Work Group (several members of NACSW are founding members of this workgroup) is an on-line repository of peer-reviewed educational resources used in academic and professional continuing education settings. These resources have been specifically designed to help social workers become more religiously and spiritually sensitive and competent in their work with clients and communities representing a wide variety of religious and spirituality traditions.

Center for Community and Interfaith Partnerships – Provides information linking community and faith- based organizations to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships – The Partnership Center leads the federal government’s efforts to build and support partnerships with faith-based and community organizations in order to better serve individuals, families and communities in need.

Center for Religion and Civic Culture – CRCC conducts research on the civic role of religion, helps to build the capacity of faith-based organizations to address significant social issues, and communicates findings to scholars, legislators, community leaders, media, and funders.

Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society – CRRUCS is dedicated to producing and disseminating cutting-edge empirical knowledge about the role of religion in contemporary urban America.

Christian Counselors of Texas – Believes in Christian counseling and is dedicated to support Christian counseling by providing support, training and encouragement to lay persons and professionals involved in counseling.

Christian Reform Church’s Network Safe Church Blogsite – Connect with others and stay up-to-date with current safe church practices, events and resources.

Christian Recovery International – A coalition of ministries dedicated to helping the Christian community become a safe and helpful place for people recovering from addiction, abuse or trauma.

Christianity.ca – Canada’s Christian Community Online

Christians Supporting Community Organizing – CSCO is a group of Anabaptist, Baptist, Evangelical, Holiness, Pentecostal, Reformed and Wesleyan Christians that are persuaded that local congregations should explore congregation-based community organizing as a means to faithfully live out the Gospel.

Holistic Hardware – Faith-based, motivational life skills for restoring lives in crisis

Nurturing God’s Way Parenting Program for Christian Families – NGW is an evidence-based, proven effective parenting program curriculum. It is full of lessons and techniques that are based on research from the Bible as well as the Nurturing Parenting Program curriculum. NGW shows parents how to make Christ the cornerstone of their family while giving them practical tools to use in challenging situations. The result is a family that is stronger,healthier and more knowledgeable of God’s view on parenting.

PBS Religion & Ethics – Newsweekly Presents key stories about religion and ethics in the news

Society for Spirituality and Social Work – The Society for Spirituality and Social Work is a network of social workers and other helping professionals dedicated to spiritually sensitive practice and education. We seek to encourage, honor, and nurture the diverse religious and non-religious paths, resources, and traditions that offer meaning and support to people, including ourselves. We are committed to promoting well-being and justice for all people and all beings. Our events and materials are designed to promote research, development of theory, and dissemination of innovations for practice and policy related to spirituality in our profession. In our gatherings, we celebrate the values of dignity, interdependence, compassion, respect, peace, justice, and connection with that which people feel is most significant or sacred.

Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of Students Search for Meaning and Purpose – The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA is conducting a comprehensive multi-year project to study the trends, patterns, and principles of spirituality and religiousness among college students, and how the college experience influences spiritual development.

The Faith and Service Technical Education Network (FASTEN) – FASTENÆs mission is to strengthen and support faith-based social services, especially in distressed urban communities throughout the United States.

Urban Youth Workers Resource Directory – List of books, magazines, training opportunities, and organizations on urban youth ministry www.iugm.org/youth
