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November 12-15, 2015
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Grand Rapids, Michigan


Dr. Laurel Shaler
Dr. Christson Adedoyin
Rev. Cornelius (Neal) Plantinga, Jr.

Morning Devotions—Friday, November 13, 2015

Dr. Laurel Shaler

"God Given Peace"

Abstract: In John 14:27, Jesus statesPeace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. In this devotional session, you will be reminded about the peace God gives us through His son, and how we can integrate that peace into our lives and share it with the world around us.

Primary Audience: Open to all

Content Level: Open to all

Number of Continuing Education Contact Hours: No CEUs

Bio Information: Laurel Shaler was born and raised in South Carolina and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Dance from the College of Charleston. She went on to earn a Master of Social Work Degree from Florida State University and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Regent University. She is a licensed social worker and nationally certified counselor, and is currently a faculty member at Liberty University. Laurel also speaks and writes on the intersection of faith, culture, and emotional wellness. You can find her online at www.drlaurelshaler.com. Laurel has been married for over 12 years to her husband, Nick, a veteran and current reservist in the United States NAVY. They are in the process of adopting.


Morning Devotions—Saturday, November 14, 2015

Dr. Christson Adedoyin

"The Descending of the Holy Spirit in Bodily Form like a Dove… Luke 3:22"

Abstract: The descending of the Holy Spirit like dove upon our Lord Jesus Christ is an experience every Christian social worker must pray for if we are earnest in our desire to be ambassadors of Pursuing Shalom. Throughout the scripture we read of the different forms the Holy Spirit chooses to rests upon people, and places for specific assignments. In this short devotion we will reflect on the importance of thirsting and praying fervently for the descending of the Holy Spirit like a dove upon us if we are to accomplish our mandate of Pursuing Shalom.

Primary Audience: Open to all

Content Level: Open to all

Number of Continuing Education Contact Hours: No CEUs

Bio Information: A. Christson Adedoyin, MSW, PhD is an Associate Professor of Social Work at Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. He has been a member of the NACSW since 2007.


Sunday Morning Speaker—Sunday, November 15, 2015

Rev. Dr. Cornelius (Neal) Plantinga, Jr.

"Isaiah's Grand Shalom: The Big Vision and the Small Faithful Steps Toward Its Fulfillment"

Abstract: Of all the prophetic books, Isaiah dreams the biggest dreams and sees the greatest visions of God's shalom.  This is to be a time in the future of the planet in which God, humanity, and all creation dwell together in justice, harmony, and delight. No more weeping, no more marauding, no more violence, sorrow, and desolation. The land will be filled with delight.

The trouble is that the distance between this vision and our daily realities in the world is vast. What's to prevent Christians in the helping professions, or in ordinary life, from "growing weary in well-doing"? What supports us in the small faithful steps toward shalom? What will give us a measure of peace in the trying quest for peace?

The presentation will sketch the vision and reassure the faithful who are in pursuit of it.

Primary Audience: Open to all

Content Level: Open to all

Number of Continuing Education Contact Hours: No CEUs

Bio Information: Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., Senior Research Fellow, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (a.k.a. Neal Plantinga) studied at Calvin College (A.B., 1967), Yale University, Calvin Theological Seminary (BD, 1971), and Princeton Theological Seminary (PhD, magna cum laude, 1982).  He has also been a visiting scholar at St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge. 

Formerly the pastor of the Webster (New York) Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Plantinga was Professor of Systematic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary from 1979 to 1996. In the summer of 1996, he became the first-ever Dean of the Chapel at Calvin College. In January, 2002, he became the sixth President of Calvin Theological Seminary. He stepped aside from the presidency July 31, 2011, to devote full time to speaking, preaching, and writing. In August, 2012, he became Senior Research Fellow at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Calvin College. He is a former editor of the Calvin Theological Journal, and is now a member of the Board of Editors of Books & Culture and of the Editorial and Advisory Council of First Things..

Dr. Plantinga is the author of six books, co-author of one, and co-editor of two. His more than 230 published articles and essays have appeared in such periodicals as The Banner, The Reformed Journal, Perspectives, Theology Today, The Thomist, First Things, Christianity Today, The Christian Century, and Books & Culture. A number of his pieces have won awards from such groups as The Associated Church Press and The Evangelical Church Press, and his 1995 book on sin, Not the Way It's Supposed to Be, won the 1996 Book of the Year award of Christianity Today. Seven years later Engaging God’s World: A Christian View of Faith, Learning, and Living (Eerdmans, 2002) won the same award in the category of Christian Life. In 2014, Reading for Preaching: The Preacher in Conversation with Storytellers, Biographers, Poets, and Journalists (Eerdmans 2013) won the same award in the category Church and Leadership..

In the academic year 1999-2000, with a grant from the Louisville Institute, Dr. Plantinga was a resident member of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton.

Rev. Dr. Plantinga was ordained in the Christian Reformed Church in North America in 1971.

He is married to Kathleen (Talsma), a veteran of twenty-five years as an elementary school teacher. Neal and Kathleen are the parents of Nathan, a Grand Rapids attorney, and of Adam, a San Francisco police sergeant, and they are the grandparents of four girls and one boy.


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