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Sheraton Atlanta Hotel
October 17-20, 2013
Atlanta, GA



Call for Presentations

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to submit a proposal
for a workshop or poster session at Convention 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia
from **October 17-20, 2013. 

Dr. Jane Hoyt-Oliver

I. Information About Workshop Submissions

NACSW's conventions sponsor workshops and poster sessions that contribute to the growth of social workers and related professionals in the ethical integration of spirituality, faith and social work practice. Most workshop sessions are 60 minutes long, although there is space reserved for a limited number of 90 minutes sessions as well.

<To skip immediately to the webpage to submit a workshop proposal on-line, simply go to www.nacsw.org/Convention/WebPresentations_2013.htm, and submit your proposal by no later than March 1st, 2013.>

Please don't hesitate to contact NACSW Convention 2013 Workshop Coordinator, Jane Hoyt-Oliver (jhoytoliver@malone.edu) with any questions you might have about workshop submissions.

For more information about the convention, you can visit NACSW's convention webpage at: http://www.nacsw.org/conv_head_text.html or download a convention flyer at: http://www.nacsw.org/Convention/Preliminary2013.pdf

A. Tracks

Proposals may be submitted for the following tracks:

1. Direct Practice: Individuals, Couples, Families and Children - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): clinical social work, case management and social work non-clinical practice, residential and community-based care, private practice, school social work, medical social work, family systems, diagnosis/assessment, new approaches to treatment, etc. 


2. Human Development, Diversity, and Behavior in the Environment - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): integration of faith and practice as it applies to human development and behavior across the lifespan; spiritual competency; and practice and research with people with disabilities, the GLBT community, and other groups, etc.


3. Direct Practice: Groups and Communities - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): community organizing; assets-based community development and community-oriented interventions; advocacy; international social work; issues of poverty; group social work, etc.


4. Administration and Work with Organizations - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): management and leadership of organizations; organizational culture; grant writing; program development; staff issues; budgeting; organizational policy-making; staff training and development, etc.    


5. Public Administration and Policy - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): social policy; government funding issues; economic issues; social justice; social change theory; church and denominational policy and politics, etc.   


6. Professional Relationships, Values and Ethics - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): social work ethics; the impact of social workers' faith on their work; nurturing social workers’ faith and character formation; boundary issues; dual relationships; social work supervision, etc.


7. Social Work Education - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): strategies and illustrations related to integrating faith and spirituality in the social work curriculum; CSWE accreditation issues; examples of spiritually and religiously sensitive educational polices and practices related to social work students and faculty; faith-related issues with students in field placements, etc.  


8. Social Work Research - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): methodological issues in research on religion and spirituality in social work practice, practical reports of dilemmas and difficulties in research as well as proposals for resolving these challenges, partnerships in conducting research, and identifying and working with research funding sources, etc.


9. Technology & Social Work - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): innovative ways Christians in social work are using technology to enhance social work education and practice, the use of social networking to expand communication with clients, colleagues and supervisors, the use of technology to deliver social work curriculum and interact with students, and strategies for using distance learning approaches to facilitate continuing education, etc. 


10. Student-Focused - Presentations in this track may focus on (but are not limited to): a) presentations by BSW and MSW students reporting on research projects or conceptual papers from their social work programs; b) presentations for BSW, MSW, and Ph.D. students such as how to choose an area of social work practice, preparing for graduate school and/or a first social work setting, etc. 


11. A Christian Perspective on Social Movements - Presentations in this track may include but are not limited to the Biblical challenge to Christians to promote social justice, the variety of roles Christians can perform in social movements, ways of integrating social work practice with social activism, the history of the church’s role in social movements, and engaging in social justice activities in faith-based organizations and in secular settings, etc.


12. Research and Practice with Ethnically Diverse Populations - Presentations in this track may include but are not limited to research and practice approaches related to communities of color and their expressions of faith and spirituality, the intersection of race and spirituality in the context of clients' lives, and navigating complex issues of religion/spirituality for people of color in the treatment process, etc.


The proposal submission process will ask you to identify which of the tracks best identifies the overall focus of your presentation. NACSW will make every effort to accommodate your track recommendation, although reserves the right to make the final track allocation based on the overall program balance. Special content is welcomed in areas such a spirituality and religion, international social work, social justice and advocacy, and work with a wide array of populations and critical social issues. 

NACSW is not able to provide remuneration for workshop or poster presenters. Presenters agree to register for the convention at their own expense at the usual convention rate, and to make their presentation at the time selected by the Convention planning committee. 

B. Criteria for Workshop Selections:

Proposals will be selected by a peer review process focused on the following criteria:

1. The workshop or poster will add to the body of knowledge currently available on the topic addressed, and is sensitive to the the ethical integration of faith and practice.

2. The workshop or poster includes a practical component which participants can readily apply in practice/ministry.

3. The proposal is clearly informed by the current literature and/or by practice experience of the presenter.

4. The concepts in the proposal are clear and the proposal is understandable and well-organized.

Please note that NACSW's conference niche is in providing trainings that are sensitive to the ethical integration of Christian faith with some aspect of social work practice. If your submission represents an alternative spiritual or religious perspective, please note this on your proposal so that if it is accepted, we can indicate this in the convention program listing.

II. Procedure for Workshop and Poster Submissions

For examples of high quality proposals from prior conventions, you may go to either:

Please submit your workshop proposal online by no later than March 1, 2013 (this is a firm deadline). All proposals most be submitted electronically. To submit a proposal, simply follow the instructions and fill out/submit the proposal submission form located at: http://www.nacsw.org/Convention/WebPresentations_2013.htm. This process requires the following information:

  • Name and contact information for the person(s) making this submission

  • A title and one page (250-500 words) summary of the presentation

  • A 50-word abstract suitable for printing in the final convention program

  • Learning objectives for the presentation

As noted above, most workshop sessions are 60 minutes long, with a limited number of 90 minute sessions available. In the workshop submission you will be asked to request your preference for workshop length.

If for whatever reason you are having difficulty submitting your proposal online as described above, please contact the NACSW office (info@nacsw.org or 203-270-8780) for assistance.

III. Proposal Selection 

Proposals are blind peer reviewed (that is, the reviewers will not know the names of the person(s) submitting proposals).  By May, 2013, presenters will be notified about whether or not their proposals have been accepted for the convention. Please note that not all proposals will be accepted because of the limited number of presentation slots available. Proposals with multiple presenters are highly encouraged.

Also, NACSW plans to publish a compilation of materials based on its convention workshops as a way of extending the impact and reach of its workshop presentations. All presenters will be strongly encouraged (but not required) to submit a paper based on the material they will be presenting for consideration publication in NACSW Convention 2013 Proceedings. To view past convention proceedings, go to: http://www.nacsw.org/cgi-bin/publikio.cgi and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

IV. Presenter Registration

To ensure a full workshop program, persons who submit proposals for NACSW Convention 2013 are expected to agree to the following terms:

If my presentation proposal is accepted, I agree the following:

  • To attend NACSW's Convention 2013 in Atlanta, GA and present unless a bona fide emergency occurs
  • To register (at my/our own expense at the usual convention rate by no later than September 29, 2013. I/We understand that if I/we do not register for the convention by September 29, 2013, my/our presentation may have to be removed from the convention workshop program
  • I/We understand that no honorarium will be paid to me/us for my/our presentation
  • To make my presentation at the time selected by the Convention 2013 planning committee
  • To provide at least 25 copies of my/our handouts at no expense to workshop participants
  • To bring my own laptop if I wish to display a PowerPoint presentation, and pay the cost of any audio-visual equipment (other than an LCD projector and screen, which will be provided free of charge by NACSW) that I/we may choose to use 



North American Association of Christians in Social Work
PO Box 121
Botsford CT 06404-0121
Email: info@nacsw.org

Phone: 888.426.4712

NACSW's Mission

To equip its members to integrate Christian faith and professional social work practice
Site contents © 2012 NACSW. All rights reserved.